Schrott Bar and Gallery

the interior design
realization: 2017

material: inox, steel, metal trash, old recycled materials and interior industrial elements

The interior was manufactured in cooperation with Metal ZooM company

Story behind the scene

The bar and the gallery Schrott started as an idea to realize a steam punk bar in the centre of Brno city. It was an idea of two friends Vratislav and Jan, the owners who started to build the interior of this place based on their visions. First of all, the bar was realised, followed by the interior of the gallery space which is open for the art exhibitions.

Vratislav is one of the owners of this place, who started to realise his visions into the complete visual version of the bar and the gallery.

Most of the components were recycled and combined together with new materials to fit steam punk design. Mostly metal trash, old recycled materials from old industrial interiors used to make this place unique.

Different used types of metal processing technologies shows Vratislav´s knowledge if this material.

Any details? Contact Pavla and go to Schrott for a beer...

Phone: +420 724 070 949

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